SCS (formerly 3M) Item #: WSMONITOR3
SCS Constant Monitors meet the Continuous Monitor requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20. “Typical test programs recommend that wrist straps that are used daily should be tested daily. However, if the products that are being produced are of such value that knowledge of a continuous, reliable ground is needed, and then continuous monitoring should be considered or even required.” (ESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 Wrist Strap section Test Frequency) • Monitors can check up to two wrist strap systems and one worksurface, depending on the model. • Compatible with single-wire wrist straps. • Easy to use: Simply plug in the wrist strap. • Easy to install: Attach the monitor boxes to the bench with included hardware, connect the mat and plug it in. Damage to electronic devices is caused by static electricity from people. Connecting people to ground directs static electricity away from devices. Constant Monitors are designed to constantly test the connection of the person, the wristband and the coiled cord to help ensure that people remain grounded.
1 WSMONITOR3 Constant Monitor
2 Operator Remotes
1 Mat Monitor Cord
1 Power Adapter
1 Alligator Clip
4 Screws
2 Hook and Loop Fasteners
1 Certificate of Calibration